Sophie World A novel About the History of Philosophy Jostein Gaarder 9789644480416 Books

Sophie World A novel About the History of Philosophy Jostein Gaarder 9789644480416 Books
My oldest brother was a philosophy professor at Penn State University. He suggested this book to me and I LOVE it. My own background is mostly science but my core is really philosophy. I love deep discussions and wondering.... I especially love to hear other peoples' ideas about the meaning of life...This would be a great intro to philosophy for anyone who has ever wondered how we all evolved to NOW

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Sophie World A novel About the History of Philosophy Jostein Gaarder 9789644480416 Books Reviews
"Sophia's World" is an above-average novel embedded with a great introduction to Western philosophy. The plot revolves around Sophia, a young Norwegian teenager who lives in a small town. Just before her fifteen birthday, she starts receiving mysterious letters, which make her ponder the most deep, yet unanswerable, questions, such as "what is the meaning of life" and "who she is." Sophia's world is not a great novel; however, it does a remarkable job of making philosophy very accessible for the uninitiated, presenting it in a more enjoyable and less dry way compared to the other philosophy introduction books out there.
The book itself is in fine quality, and was delivered on time, so no fault on the seller for this one. The book itself though... meh. I ended up not getting too far into it because it reads sort of like someone is explaining philosophy to you in really juvenile terms. Now that isn't a problem if you are, in fact, a younger person reading this book. I think it would be a fine introduction to some more abstract concepts in thought, but as someone in their twenties who is already somewhat familiar with the history of western philosophy, this book is a pass for me. Maybe if I had found it when I was 12, it would have been interesting then, but I think I'm a bit late to the party here. So to everyone else who came here from listening to the Spiritualized album "Ladies and Gentlemen, We are Floating in Space" - just stick to the album.
IF I am allowed to suggest only one book to my son on his 15th birthday, most likely this will be the one. And the book should not be for the teenagers trying to learn their first lessons on various strands of philosophy. On my second reading of the book, I sure would want to read again in another 15-20 years to re-learn the same thoughts with a different perspective.
The book has myriads of faults for the fault-finders. The philosophical views are rendered extremely simplistic for them to be understandable by the uninitiated. Its pop-philosohpy suffers from a bigger fault lack of critical analysis in most cases. Omission of details are often jarring when beyond a point the summaries of various views sound quite similar to many others. Sophie's own story too is relatively weak despite a dramatic twist (literal) in the middle.
All that said, this is a classic of its unique kind. The author's reviews should prove no more difficult and no less wondrous than they are to Sophie. Few readers are likely to end the book with less or same curiosity levels than at the beginning. The book is particularly useful to anyone at an impressionable age - about the best gift one can give to any budding youth.
Wonderful introduction to the great philosophers, not only for teens but for grown-ups as well. The lessons captivated me and I was looking forward to them, but I was not fond of the Hilde/ the Major subplot. By the way, this book should have been named Happy Birthday, Hilde. There were just so many postcards and HBH one could take before starting to scream. And at the Red Riding Hood thing, and the idea that Sophie and Albert are nothing but thoughts in the Major's mind - there it lost me. Loved the first half of the book but this spoiled it for me.
If you are interested in how the Universe works, and in the questions philosophers pondered ( and some got pretty close) from the beginning of time, and if it is for a child/ teen, look up the Sara trilogy by Esther Hicks. It is the culmination of all philosophy, and it seems as close to the Truth as we got so far.
An enjoyable tour of philosophy that will save you many hours in courses. Everyone should take philosophy in some form. It strengthens the mind. Philosophy courses don't have "answers in the back of the book" and you can't look into the soul of the boy next to you (and risk expulsion like Woody Allen). Understanding philosophy will shake you to your foundations and make you ask "What is right?" "What is real?" "What is true?" Read the many attempts to answer and, if you can, get a friend to read it and argue!
One of my favorite books, I didn't know anything about philosophy and this book explains complex ideas with simple analogies.
This book is full of such great teachings. It made me change the way I think. Opened up my eyes to different perspectives. Its great that its in a story format because its easy to read. The story is simple then gets all twisted and confused the sh*t outta me. In a good way though. Some pretty out there stuff. I love it!
My oldest brother was a philosophy professor at Penn State University. He suggested this book to me and I LOVE it. My own background is mostly science but my core is really philosophy. I love deep discussions and wondering.... I especially love to hear other peoples' ideas about the meaning of life...
This would be a great intro to philosophy for anyone who has ever wondered how we all evolved to NOW

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