Wynter Chelsea The Sublimity Becca Michelle Ritchie 9781432767068 Books

Wynter Chelsea The Sublimity Becca Michelle Ritchie 9781432767068 Books
Gosh, where do I even begin? Maybe it was a mistake to read this series. It's not that I hate it; in fact, I really really like it!!! It's just that I know this is the last book in the series and I WANT MORE!!!! I want to know what happens after that ending! Where does the story go from there??? I'm praying to the book gods that Becca will one day decide to continue and finish the Wynter Chelsea series.OMG, what I thought was lacking in the first book, The Legacy, is not so in this book. Everything that I wanted in the first book, I got in this one. The Sublimity is fast paced and action packed! The dialogue picked up and even Trevor's humor was kicked up a notch. There were so many passages that just stuck with me, like this one:
"If you knew your future, then that would automatically change the course of your destiny."
This one:
"I have done nothing to say that I am evil. Just because of where I was born and who my father is, that doesn't make me evil!"
"Then what does?!" I shouted back.
"The actions you take," East said passionately. "The things you do in life."
This one:
"we've never seen anything that says there's a Heaven, but Hell we're certain of. And why would I denounce Heaven if I know there's a Hell?"
And this one:
"Life's short that way. There's no need to spend it in the company of people I don't really know."
I just could not put this book down! The fight scenes were suspenseful and exciting! It was a definite page turner! There were even some really heartbreaking moments and I truly cried towards the end. I was shedding some alligator tears, I tell ya! I'm more drawn to romance novels and I must say, this gave me the very thing that I was looking for, but wasn't really expecting. This was a thrilling read for me!
I am completely blown away by Becca Ritchie's creative mind and how intricately this story is written! I will read everything she (and Krista) writes!

Tags : Wynter Chelsea: The Sublimity [Becca Michelle Ritchie] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Amanda Chelsea. The Beacon. A friend. A sister. And... and... a daughter? Now part of the legacy, Amanda has exactly what she wanted,Becca Michelle Ritchie,Wynter Chelsea: The Sublimity,Outskirts Press,1432767062,Children's BooksAll Ages,Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,Science fiction (Children's Teenage)
Wynter Chelsea The Sublimity Becca Michelle Ritchie 9781432767068 Books Reviews
The Legacy absolutely captivated me and made me a huge fan of the Wynter Chelsea books. I absolutely could not wait until I got to its sequel, though at the same time I was a little hesitant because sometimes series have an amazing first book and the others are just so-so. I am happy to tell you all that this is most definitely not the case with The Sublimity. It had everything that I so loved and cherished about the first book amazing cast of characters, imaginative mythology and a fast-paced plot that doesn't take a moment's break from action. But then it goes even further and adds even more layers to the story, which makes it completely overwhelming - but in a good way!
Everything Amanda did that annoyed me in the first book (which wasn't much) was completely turned around in this novel. She grew and matured, making better decisions and judgment calls than before. My heart actually went out to her in this book (you'll understand when you read the book), but she was incredibly strong and rolled with the punches. I couldn't imagine being put in her shoes and having to go through everything she did. My feelings for Jack were absolutely all over the place with this book as his actions seemed arrogant and he was sometimes just an all-out ass. Thankfully, he redeemed himself and I hope it stays that way through the rest of the series. Dustin also had some moments where I wanted to reach through the book and strangle him. He had his reasons for all of his actions and I understood his reasons, but it doesn't mean that I had to like it. ;) There were completely swoon-worthy moments between him and Amanda, and the end of the book just had me gushing.
Most of the old cast and crew was back for this round, and there were more demons and new characters - all which made the action and intensity of this series grow. Like The Legacy, there was never a dull moment. And just when you think that everything is going to settle down at the end of the novel, BAM! Miss Ritchie hits you with another surprise at the very end. I found it absolutely maddening since now, I have to wait for the third book to come out.
Love the storyline,so when will there be more? The characters are so strong with their different abilities. Love Trevor,such a ham. He needs to meet someone. I didn't have good feelings about Killian,Seemed like he wasn't completely honest about a lot of things,and he's got secrets that he holding onto. The only question I did have was from the first book this is pretty,but it bugged me,in chapter 4 Amanda is using Jacks cell phone to talk with her boyfriend,he hung up on her and she heard a dial tone? That could only happen with a land line- sorry I told you it was pretty😫
Gosh, where do I even begin? Maybe it was a mistake to read this series. It's not that I hate it; in fact, I really really like it!!! It's just that I know this is the last book in the series and I WANT MORE!!!! I want to know what happens after that ending! Where does the story go from there??? I'm praying to the book gods that Becca will one day decide to continue and finish the Wynter Chelsea series.
OMG, what I thought was lacking in the first book, The Legacy, is not so in this book. Everything that I wanted in the first book, I got in this one. The Sublimity is fast paced and action packed! The dialogue picked up and even Trevor's humor was kicked up a notch. There were so many passages that just stuck with me, like this one
"If you knew your future, then that would automatically change the course of your destiny."
This one
"I have done nothing to say that I am evil. Just because of where I was born and who my father is, that doesn't make me evil!"
"Then what does?!" I shouted back.
"The actions you take," East said passionately. "The things you do in life."
This one
"we've never seen anything that says there's a Heaven, but Hell we're certain of. And why would I denounce Heaven if I know there's a Hell?"
And this one
"Life's short that way. There's no need to spend it in the company of people I don't really know."
I just could not put this book down! The fight scenes were suspenseful and exciting! It was a definite page turner! There were even some really heartbreaking moments and I truly cried towards the end. I was shedding some alligator tears, I tell ya! I'm more drawn to romance novels and I must say, this gave me the very thing that I was looking for, but wasn't really expecting. This was a thrilling read for me!
I am completely blown away by Becca Ritchie's creative mind and how intricately this story is written! I will read everything she (and Krista) writes!

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