Undeadly Reaper Diaries Michele Vail Books

Undeadly Reaper Diaries Michele Vail Books
Sometime, you choose your destiny,, sometimes it chooses you, and sometimes...it's a little of both.Undeadly is about a girl named Molly who is a necromancer-in-training. The world Molly lives in is full of people who have "pet" zombies and a world where spirits are the new "illegal" slaves. Everything is going along normally for Molly until the night of her sixteenth birthday when she has a dream/vision of Anubis and accepts his challenge to become one of his chosen. But Molly isn't just one of the chosen, she's THE chosen. Her destiny is to become Anubis' champion when Anubis' uncle Set breaks free from his prison. After having the Anubis vision, things start to go downhill; first her new love interest falls and cracks his head, then she accidently resurrects him but kind of makes a mess of it, she finds out her family isn't what she thought, and then she is shipped off to a new boarding school where students are turning up dead.
Not feeding a zombie isn't like not feeding your cat. He. Will. Eat. You. And your cat. People who forget to pick up a case of Ghoul- AID sometimes don't live to regret it. Capisce?
The beginning starts off a little slow due to all the backstory that needed telling in order to get readers up to speed but a few chapters in and things speed up. Michelle Vail does a really good job of keeping readers interested even with all the info that she has to go over and really gives the book a decent pace once things start rolling. I also loved how Michelle created a world where Molly doesn't have to hide her necro abilities from anyone. It's refreshing when a book world is set up so the characters don't have to hide who they are. Though that does change a little after she starts school.
You will sweat. You will bleed. You will ask for mercy and not get it. Get stronger. Get meaner. Get reaper.
There are a lot of surprises that turn up and a sense of mystery because there is a lot about her family and destiny that Molly doesn't know about. The end took quite a turn and the epilogue leaves you dying to know what happens. I'm excited to see where the next book takes Molly and what her relationship with Rath will evolve into. Not to mention the battles brewing between Anubis and Set. Overall it was a fantastic and exciting read that I highly recommend to fellow readers.

Tags : Amazon.com: Undeadly (Reaper Diaries) (9780373210466): Michele Vail: Books,Michele Vail,Undeadly (Reaper Diaries),Harlequin Teen,0373210469,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Romance - General,Boarding schools,Boarding schools;Fiction.,Magic;Fiction.,Teenagers,Zombies,Zombies;Fiction.,10017873,115026X,20121201,707220,Canada,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Contemporary; Paranormal; Romance; Young Adult,Fiction,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal,Juvenile FictionParanormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,Magic,Magic;Fiction.,Monograph Series, any,Paranormal,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage),Romance - General,Teenagers,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult Fiction,Young Adult;Paranormal;Romance;Contemporary,Zombies,Zombies;Fiction.,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal,Juvenile FictionParanormal, Occult & Supernatural,Love & Romance,Paranormal,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult Fiction,Fiction,Magic,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage)
Undeadly Reaper Diaries Michele Vail Books Reviews
I was so excited when I began this novel. I love the entire idea of Reapers and the addition of ancient Egypt seemed like a really original take on the idea. Not to mention the cover of Undeadly is gorgeous so I really expected to love this book. Unfortunately, it ended up falling flat right from the start.
I knew this book was heading in the wrong direction when instead of careful world building Vail begins the book with vast information dumps. I wanted desperately to skip these sections but instead plowed on expecting a fuller and more in depth explanation later on. I never got this grand explanation and instead I was greeted by Molly, the main character, who was immature, flippant, and generally really bugged me.
Molly has a dream on her 16th birthday about Anubis the ancient Egyptian god of the underworld. In this dream he asks if she will accept extra gifts from him. Molly accepts and then spends the rest of the book complaining about these gifts and not really learning anything about her new powers and what her purpose is. I think that was my main problem with this book. There was no clear goal or plot direction. There are a ton of different possible story lines and in the end only one of them is resolved leaving all the others never explained or even explored. I was disappointed with the direction the book took.
Molly as a character got on my nerves. I understand that she is 16 and is entitled to being a little immature, but she takes immature to a whole new level. Molly can not do anything herself, believes everyone at face value, and just kind of dances through life with no deeper thoughts then the mall and boys (even when people tell her she needs to think of something else). I initially though Molly was portrayed this way in the beginning of the novel so that we could see her growth as she comes to terms with Anubis's gifts. The problem was she never did any growing. She acts this way the entire novel which takes place in a week!
My other problem was that the one character, Rath, I thought might be able to make her grow up and see the importance of her new position disappears half way through the novel with no explanation and shows up toward the end offering some secretive answer about where he has been. I know if someone disappeared for a week I would not put up with the "Working for Anubis, can't tell you its secret" answer. Multiple characters offered this as an excuse throughout the novel and it just did not jive with me.
I was also disappointed with the supporting characters. After a big surprise in her life and the Anubis dream Molly chooses to go to an elite boarding school, Nekyia. Her first day she meets a mean girl who instantly hates her for absolutely no reason. Molly then makes best friends with the first girl she sees. This portion of the story reminded me a lot of the House of Night series. That was not good and had me cringing. The mean girl (Aphrodite) who happens to be in charge of an elite club is never given a good reason for her dislike of Molly. And this new best friend, who also happens to be Southern and gorgeous (Stevie Rae) doesn't really have a personality. I felt like she was just there to fill space. I actually felt this way about all of Molly's Nekyia friends.
Overall, this book was just not my thing. The world building was not done well, the characters felt too young and immature, and there were far to many plot holes for me to enjoy the story. I am going to save myself the time and skip the next book but for those of you who enjoyed The House of Night series by PC and Kristin Cast or Evermore series by Alyson Noel you might enjoy this one and should think about giving it a try.
Really like the mythology - a different take on the usual. Left me wanting more. Looking forward to the next book.
The story started out a little slow but picked up pace,I would have wanted more depth in the supporting characters not that there is not any,I am being a little picky but its something I hope to get in the next book.Although I did enjoy the book thoroughly!
I really enjoyed reading this, It was a welcomed change from the usual Vampire, Werewolf, Witch and Angel Novels all over shelves right now. I could have done without all the "hoo-kays" and "whatevs". There were too many and in certain parts of the dialogue they shouldn't have been used. A simple ok or whatever would have been better and not so forced coming from this girl.
Sometime, you choose your destiny,, sometimes it chooses you, and sometimes...it's a little of both.
Undeadly is about a girl named Molly who is a necromancer-in-training. The world Molly lives in is full of people who have "pet" zombies and a world where spirits are the new "illegal" slaves. Everything is going along normally for Molly until the night of her sixteenth birthday when she has a dream/vision of Anubis and accepts his challenge to become one of his chosen. But Molly isn't just one of the chosen, she's THE chosen. Her destiny is to become Anubis' champion when Anubis' uncle Set breaks free from his prison. After having the Anubis vision, things start to go downhill; first her new love interest falls and cracks his head, then she accidently resurrects him but kind of makes a mess of it, she finds out her family isn't what she thought, and then she is shipped off to a new boarding school where students are turning up dead.
Not feeding a zombie isn't like not feeding your cat. He. Will. Eat. You. And your cat. People who forget to pick up a case of Ghoul- AID sometimes don't live to regret it. Capisce?
The beginning starts off a little slow due to all the backstory that needed telling in order to get readers up to speed but a few chapters in and things speed up. Michelle Vail does a really good job of keeping readers interested even with all the info that she has to go over and really gives the book a decent pace once things start rolling. I also loved how Michelle created a world where Molly doesn't have to hide her necro abilities from anyone. It's refreshing when a book world is set up so the characters don't have to hide who they are. Though that does change a little after she starts school.
You will sweat. You will bleed. You will ask for mercy and not get it. Get stronger. Get meaner. Get reaper.
There are a lot of surprises that turn up and a sense of mystery because there is a lot about her family and destiny that Molly doesn't know about. The end took quite a turn and the epilogue leaves you dying to know what happens. I'm excited to see where the next book takes Molly and what her relationship with Rath will evolve into. Not to mention the battles brewing between Anubis and Set. Overall it was a fantastic and exciting read that I highly recommend to fellow readers.

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